Living peacefully under a hostile regime
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Back in the ‘90s, when I lived with my family in Warsaw, we had a lovely young babysitter who took care of the then very young Misses Paine. We got to know her well as she also came on family holidays with us. One evening when she came over she had clearly been crying and we asked what was the matter. Her history teacher had that day been reviewing recent history under the new curriculum mandated by the country’s first democratic government since the fall of the Communist Party. When she got home from school she had asked her father, a lecturer at Warsaw University, if he had been a member of the Party and had rebuked him when he admitted he had.
Her tears were not of disappointment but of remorse. Her dad had patiently explained to her the realities of life under a regime he had never dared to hope would change as it did. As far as he could tell, Poland would be Communist forever. He had to take care of his family as best he could in the actual circumstances in which they lived and advancement in his career required he be a party member. To refuse the invitation to join might have worse consequences than not being promoted. He had wept at the earnest teenage contempt of someone he had been trying to protect and — to her eternal credit — she had been distressed at having hurt him
Were it not for the happy coincidence of Reagan and Thatcher’s terms in office overlapping as they did, he would have been right in his assessment of democracy’s chances in the East. For all its pomposity about its values, the West had mostly appeased the Soviets. Its academics were traitors almost to a man and its leftist politicians yearned for their comrades to get it right and prove socialism actually worked. I am told by one who researched there for a Masters thesis on Politics that the joint archives of the British Communist and Labour Parties in Manchester document the role of “Moscow Gold” in our politics.
The nearer the Western democracy to the Iron Curtain, the more inclined it had been to kiss the Kremlin’s nether regions – as witness the shameful Östpolitik of West Germany, initiated by Socialists quietly sympathetic to the USSR. There were probably more true believers in Socialism in the West than the East. Years later my Russian teacher in Moscow would laugh at my stupidity when she learned I had been one of them. “Didn’t you know what was happening here?” she asked. Told that I’d dismissed all reports as capitalist lies, she said scornfully “I can’t believe you actually fell for their bullshit. No one here did.”
I am beginning to understand what it must have been like for my babysitter’s dad. Don’t get me wrong. I know full well that I am lucky to be a free born citizen of an ancient democracy. I’m also financially independent in retirement and don’t need to worry what HR or Marketing make of my utterances any more. Even when I did worry, I never checked my tongue before holding forth. I just sheltered behind my easily penetrated nom de blog when putting my views in writing. I don’t even need to do that anymore and links in the sidebar will take you to pages with my real name but there are more of you now who know me as Tom.
So I must not overstate my case. While I was horrified to find on returning to England after 20 years in the post-communist world that our police now patrolled the internet for “wrongthink” and that perfectly respectable concerns about, say, immigration and its perceived threats to local culture were often characterised as “hate speech”, the consequences of wrong speak are still (mostly) more social than criminal. I need not yet fear the deadly knock on my door in the night.
Our equivalents of the Saudi Arabian Mutaween are not the Metropolitan Police in London, but self-appointed brown shirts of the Guardian, Left-Establishment point of view; posh leftist ladies and their cuck husbands telling hostesses that they must never invite that dreadful “Nazi” again if they expect to move in polite society. Or, damn their traitorous eyes, marketing sorts at Gillette or Facebook peddling Marxian lies to set class against class, race against race, sex against sex, young against old and Muslims (God help them) against everyone
Yet I am beginning to check my tongue — and to despise myself for it. I am ashamed of never defending that misguided but essentially decent and well meaning young chap Tommy Robinson, for example — even when he is occasionally as clearly in the right as on it. My views are more sophisticated than his and far far more liberal in the true meaning of that abused word. He has associated with bad people (though no worse than the violent totalitarian leftists of my youth) and has made (and still makes) political, legal and moral errors. But when he is wronged I should have the balls to speak up for him. And I don’t. Yes, he’s closer to being a “fascist” than I am, but not nearly as close as those leftists screeching for his blood.
He’s a wrongheaded but good natured working class bloke of the type I grew up with. He holds opinions shared by most of the men who fought real Fascism and he is trying in his often clumsy way to preserve what they fought for. He sometimes deserves help that it seems I am too afraid of the West London Mutaween to give. Goodness knows how many of my less independent fellow Brits are biting their tongues and toeing the Party line just as my babysitter’s dad once did
I have a beautiful life and I am grateful for it. I say and do pretty much as I please and I know I am lucky. Britain is still a long way from the horrors of the USSR and Warsaw Pact days and I don’t want to be a libertarian analogue of those Corbynites screeching “Nazi” by screeching “Communist” at them. Name calling entrenches differences. It never changes minds. The sensible, decent, intelligent people from both sides of our various divides are at some point going to have to talk. While at my age I can’t expect to be at that table I would like at least not to be one of the fanatics raging outside their windows and distracting them from their dirty, but necessary, work.
Indeed... If one may be permitted to paraphrase Prof Brignell (he was referring to "climate") - "putting 'social' in front of 'scientist' is the equivalent of putting 'witch' in front of 'doctor'.".
Posted by: Baron Jackfield | Sunday, March 10, 2019 at 01:32 PM
Quite. “Social Sciences” are mostly just disguised agitprop — “policy based evidence-making” — and I would defund them entirely. It’s civilisationsl suicide to pay to indoctrinate young people into loathing your own civilisation. Of course they must be free to study such fake science at their own expense, just as they can study other counter-factual stuff, like theology. But not on our dime. I’m sure North Korea would cheerfully educate the children of Guardianisti and they might accidentally get a real education in Marxism if they had to live it while they studied. 🙂
Posted by: Tom | Friday, March 01, 2019 at 06:58 PM
"its academics were traitors almost to a man"
In the West we are not quite there yet, but perhaps it is time for a defunding of anything not STEM, Law and Medicine.
Posted by: Bill Sticker | Friday, March 01, 2019 at 06:05 PM
The jury is out on that, James. Two and a half years after a highly-informative vote the Westminster Bubble of politicos, media and businesses big enough to buy their attention is making the same old smug hum of imaginary consensus while all clearly plotting to ignore the information the referendum provided. I sincerely hope (but I am not at all sure) that they are not fiddling while Rome burns. Their tongues don't need loosening and many that may be freed on March 29th won't (though the Bubble would regard both of us as – in our different ways – "extreme") be nearly as moderate as yours and mine. They are playing with fire but it is the rest of us who stand to get burned.
Posted by: Tom | Tuesday, February 26, 2019 at 02:07 PM
Our equivalents of the Saudi Arabian Mutaween are not the Metropolitan Police in London, but self-appointed brown shirts of the Guardian, Left-Establishment point of view; posh leftist ladies and their cuck husbands telling hostesses that they must never invite that dreadful “Nazi” again if they expect to move in polite society.
It is dismaying that you and I both know what it’s like. My Russian friends ask today whatever are “we” blinkin’ doing, as if “we” all work as one.
We are in the hands of very bad people who have worked themselves into all the key positions in the land, a fait accompli. Now we reap the bitter harvest for not being vigilant and speaking out.
Maybe March 29th will loosen people’s tongues.
Posted by: James Higham | Tuesday, February 26, 2019 at 01:27 PM