THE LAST DITCH An Englishman returned after twenty years abroad blogs about liberty in Britain
Democracy in crisis
We all need to watch "Stranger Things" on Netflix

Comrade Kirk and Commissar Picard

I don't believe I have mentioned it here before, but I have always been a fan of Star Trek. In the course of this year I have been watching the programmes again in sequence. I have discovered something in them that I had never noticed before.

Gene Roddenberry, the producers and the writers, as well as members of the cast, belonged to what Americans call "the great generation". James Doohan, who played the Scotty of "beam me up" fame, was a veteran of the D-Day landings.  The hippy-dippy sensibilities of the series (right up to the current reboot movies) typify the 1960s, but were actually the product of the experiences of the creators in their formative years, the 1940s. That generation's world view was forged in the Second World War. And not just in their understandable reaction against the nationalism and ethnic loyalty involved in the rise of Nazism. 

The war broke down for many of them the division between the nation and the state that served it. War leaders like Churchill and Eisenhower were seen as leaders of the people not the state. The survival of Western civilisation was attributed by that generation to the power of, and their loyalty to, the state. Growing up with them as my beloved elders I recall nostalgia for the "we're all in it together" mentality of the war years.  Some even remembered rationing fondly, constantly telling us 1960s children how spoiled and "soft" we were. They were suckers for the Fuehrerprinzip as long as the Fuehrer was democratically elected. This rather missed the point that Hitler of the Axis was whereas Stalin of the Allies wasn't!

Growing up in the 1960s, I was exposed to a culture in which the heroes I was expected to look up to were typically in uniform, under military discipline, and unquestioningly loyal to their leaders. If Government appeared in my comics, books, TV shows, or films, it was always on the side of justice and truth. When I faced down a bully two years above me in defence of a small boy a year below me in my primary school playground, I was consciously doing what would have won approval for Biggles (my lantern jawed childhood hero from the RAF) from his C.O.

If you think about it, that's odd.  As a society we had rejected the anti-Semitism and racism of the Nazis, but we did not reject their militarism, obedience to the "chain of command" or loyalty to the institutions of the state. We were able somehow simultaneously to hold in our minds the contradictory ideas that their "might is right" ideology was wrong and that the triumph of our brave men at arms had proved us right.

Until re-watching the shows, I had never thought of that.  Yet though Starfleet is constantly described as peaceful, scientific and engaged upon a noble project of exploration to meet and befriend alien cultures, it is also militaristic. If a junior Starfleet officer bypasses the chain of command, that is seen as a disloyal act and provokes righteous anger from superior officers who bark "that's an order" to close discussion down.

When the top brass of Starfleet intervene in the stories, they almost always get it wrong. This is a common theme in war fiction, where the generals are often betrayed as remote and out of touch and "Tommy" or "Joe" on the front line is the true hero. Yet the "scientists" and "explorers" on the USS Enterprise in any of its manifestations never seem to draw any conclusions from the consistent idiocy of their admirals. Just as the relentlessly consistent and damaging failures of postwar governments in the West never seemed to undermine the "great generation's" or the baby boomers' quasi-religious faith in the wise state's ability to build a better world.

It's predictable that the generation that posed the question "what's so funny about peace love and understanding?" should portray the future in a hippy dippy proto-multicultural way.  But only their peculiar life experience could have led them also to portray it in the context of a rigid culture of obedience. It's as if the creators understood and cheerfully accepted that, if economic imperatives are removed, military discipline will, must, fill the resulting vacuum.

For in the Star Trek future the problems of economics have been solved.  There are no shortages of anything except the dilithium required to fuel the starships warp drives. The creators' leftist attitudes to business are gloriously revealed in an episode where a wealthy banker from the 20th century is brought back to life from his cryogenic coffin and obsesses comically about the value of his stocks. And of course in every episode featuring the vilely commercial Ferengi. The United Federation of Planets is successfully communist and its citizens (or at least the ones we are supposed to like) devote themselves to the selfless service of their beneficent state. Graduation from Starfleet Academy (the West Point or Sandhurst of the UFP) is their highest aspiration and its officers loftily disdain the trivial concerns of civilians.

Had we not been happily lapping up the encounters with goofy aliens, the cool (for the time) SFX, the wonderful space vehicles and the uniformly sexy female crew members, we might have seen in Star Trek a series of warnings about how the generation that had won the war would so horribly lose the peace.  



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A wide audience is not everything, though it would be nice! Some years ago the British Library asked me to give permission for my posts to be stored and republished. This was part of a project to make up for the fact that this digital age is not providing future historians with the written correspondence that is a crucial resource for them today. I hope that they will not just serve to prove to archaeologists of a dead civilisation that there were small voices crying out against the forces destroying it. At a meeting of the youth division of the Adam Smith Institute a couple of years ago (I was there to have a drink with their speaker after the event) I met several young people (mostly economics postgraduates) who were readers. I don't have many readers but they are good ones! I enjoy the exercise of writing and am just trying in my humble way to provide a resource. If I could influence one Sir John James Cowperthwaite of the future, it would be enough.


Hi Tom

I am delighted you're posting again and although I've only seen a few of your recent posts the quality of the insight is a sgood as ever.

I am quite intrigued by your Star Trek post coming on the heels as it does of your one lamenting quite rightly the vast scope of modern government and how it makes quite a mockery of the idea of democracy.

These are insights that deserve a wide audience. Unfortunately it seems that brainwashing in schools is so well developed that a whole generation has never been exposed to ideas of small government and liberty and indeed such concepts are condemned as Austerity (don't make me laugh) or selfishness.

What goes around comes around but how long will it take and what will be the blood price?

The Brexit vote could turn out to have been an inflection point or a flash in the pan.

Single Acts of Tyranny

Ferengi - The Farsi word for foreigner, similarly Jem'Hadar is similar to a Hindi word for soldier (I think?)


Yes, Ferengi — as in the famous rules of acquisition.

James Higham



"And of course in every episode featuring the vilely commercial Ferengi. "

Always my favourite race... ;)


Enjoyed the analysis. Spot on as usual. I imagine that in the farthest reaches of his self-regard (fuelled it seems by cognac rather than dilithium), Herr Juncker fondly sees himself at the head of a benign, all-powerful EU which has as its greatest achievement the delivery of a Star Trek-type social, scientific and economic empire around 1,000 years earlier than Gene Roddenberry and les Américains maudites. He and his ilk are just the most recent in a long line of Euro-Fascists.

And of course, Christmas was never quite complete without a Biggles book.

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