Brexit Isn't About Leaving Today's European Union: It's About Not Joining Tomorrow's - Forbes
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Brexit Isn't About Leaving Today's European Union: It's About Not Joining Tomorrow's - Forbes.
THE LAST DITCH An Englishman returned after twenty years abroad blogs about liberty in Britain
Brexit Isn't About Leaving Today's European Union: It's About Not Joining Tomorrow's - Forbes.
Московский урбанистический форум.
The result of the referendum is something I had hoped for for decades. I am convinced it will prove to be good for Britain but my celebration is tinged with sadness. The childish reaction of the losing side shocks me. Their abuse of fellow citizens who honestly tried to make the right decision is unfathomable. We are all racists, bigots and cretins apparently. We are old (a crime of which they will one day be guilty if they are lucky). We are white — as most people in these islands still are. And?
As a nation we took this issue seriously. More people voted than ever before. Millions registered to vote for the first time, probably because this would the only chance they would have in their lives to make a difference. All three national political parties plus the SNP in Scotland and Plaid Cymru in Wales were pro-EU. So voting in a General Election was never going to affect this issue. How democratic was that? And yet my social media feeds and real world conversations are filled with screaming "friends" denouncing Cameron for giving us a chance to state our view. Given my international career, I also have German, French and Polish "friends" denouncing me and threatening revenge on my nation.
We English speakers really need to do something with the word "friend". It is applied far too freely. I have never sought to limit my friendships to people who agree with me. But I am seriously considering whether people who don't respect my opinion can really be worthy of the name.
Can the people raging at us for taking our chance not understand how frustrating it has been for us at election after election to listen to our plump, smug élites making EU-sceptic noises to compete for what has proved to be more than half of the available votes only then to support the EU? Even joining a party didn't help. The membership of the Conservative Party has been anti EU from 1972 to the present day. That didn't stop the party taking us in. It didn't stop it keeping us in. Candidates lied about being Eurosceptic to be selected and then went on to campaign for Remain. How democratic was that? How honest?
Even now, when the "secret people" have finally spoken, the political class are perverting whatever democratic principles they claim to have to find ways to override us. Politics does not attract the best of humanity. It takes a certain kind of crazy to believe, when most of us find it hard enough to live our own lives well and take care of our own families, that you can usefully decide how others should live. It takes a certain kind of nasty to want to be part of the machine that takes most of the nation's earnings by force. But even I did not grasp, in all my libertarian cynicism, just how depraved these vipers are. They have lost their chance to follow Lords Kinnock and Mandelson into the millionaire-making institutions of Brussels and their un-righteous wrath is impressive.
Worst of all is the evidence the referendum has provided of the moral degradation of many of our young people. I suppose the logical corollary of the identity politics they have been raised on by their cultural Marxist teachers is that if certain minority victim groups are morally superior, the majority of people must be despicable. The hateful scorn I have heard expressed for the old, for example, is quite horrifying. Do they not know they will age? Do they not know that they will grow out of some of their current opinions; that life experience will change them? Or do they really believe they are fully formed right now, perfect and incapable of further development?
And to listen to so called "progressives", who are supposed to be all about the workers, express their patrician contempt for the plebs who voted "wrongly" is perturbing. "Why should my future be decided by Mr & Mrs Bigot of Sunderland?" a friend of a Facebook friend asked yesterday. "Why not?" I thought, "given that (a) they are no bigots compared to you in your vile snobbery and (b) you claim the right to decide *their* future even though you are in a minority!"
I wish David Cameron had kept his promises to remain as PM and implement the peoples decision and to serve the Article 50 notice immediately. He has prolonged the agony of uncertainty in a fit of petulance. We can only begin to pull together as a nation when the new normality is implemented. But I wonder if we can ever be comfortable together again now that the majority of us truly understand just how much those who think themselves our betters (and prove themselves wrong by thinking so) despise us.
The left-wing media continue the narrative of a Conservative Party in crisis. Nothing could be further from the truth. Brexit removes the Conservative Party's only serious division. Once the dust settles and practical politics resumes, the party's EU-philic elements will have no choice but to unite with the new mainstream. The Conservative Party is more a machine for winning elections than anything else and the EU issue has been the main impediment to that for a long time as it separated the party from its core voters.
Labour's problem is more complicated. Its core voters hate it because they see it as a remote metropolitan elite that cares only for identity politics. The one group that the party most sees (after the eevil Tories) as the enemy of all the victim groups it sponsors is the native working class that founded it. It is now the party of sociology lecturers at universities that used to be polytechnics and colleges of Ed. Exactly like my own Labour MP in fact. People who have lived their whole lives as costs to society rather than producers. It is the political wing of the public sector trade unions that fund it. The unions that also represent the spenders not the earners. If the Party were to go in for truth in advertising it would be called Unproductive Labour. The provincial working classes who founded the party think it now despises them. They are right. Hilary Benn's attempt to stage a coup is all very well but even if he succeeds in forcing a new leadership election, Ed Miliband's crazed reform of the electorate is a poison pill. Even if Corbyn steps aside, someone just as remote, crazy and extreme will win.
Without hope of office since the Labour Party displaced the old Liberals (and with a sour experience when in office as part of a coalition) the Liberal Democrats have had no pressure to form a consistent party line. In consequence they are a very broad church, ranging from Gladstonian Liberals so respectable that I could imagine being in a party with them to leftists who are just too snobbish to be in the same party as John Prescott. Their main distinguishing feature was that they were NOT divided over the EU. They have now announced they will campaign for the UK to rejoin in future. Given that the application would not be accepted, they are now officially pointless.
As is UKIP. It did the nation a great service in forcing the hand of a party that was no more inclined to give the demos a say than any of its Continental counterparts. It won us the referendum we so desperately needed and is owed our thanks. A statue to Nigel Farage should be placed on the spare plinth in Trafalgar Square. He has endured decades of vilification by the leftist Establishment in his nation's cause. Arguably he should be up there with Nelson himself, rather then at the base of his column. But he is now redundant.
An orderly dissolution of UKIP would allow its members and voters to move back to the Labour and Conservative parties from whence they came. Ex-UKIP Labourites could explain to the Islington Mafia how to talk to the honest working folk that make up most of their potential voters. Ex-UKIP Conservatives could replace the MPs who lied to their Constituency Associations that they were EU-sceptics and then campaigned for Remain. A dissolution of the LibDems would allow the Gladstonian Liberals to hold their noses and join the Conservative party, the sandalled loonies to join the Greens and the snooty socialists to join Labour. All three parties would benefit from their moderating influence.
You will note that I don't mention the SNP. That's because I can't see how Scotland can now remain part of the UK. It's a Civil Code jurisdiction and has always had more loyalty to the Auld Alliance with France than to the Union. I would love it to stay but unless there is a massive resurgence of Scottish Conservatism to defeat the SNP its course now seems sadly fixed. When I was young it was a firmly Conservative place and my Scottish friends are quiet Conservatives still but its national character has been debased by dependency. It needs to get its dignity back. Only Independence can do that. Ideally proper independence not the leech-on-Germany kind. But that's for them to decide.
Britain's first past the post constituency-based electoral system works best with two parties. The electorate can steer the nation like a tank, advancing either the Left or the Right track at five year intervals to keep us moving forward in roughly the right direction. If the state can be reined back to its key tasks in the wake of Brexit, we can eliminate the influence of pressure groups, fake charities and other single issue fanatics and persuade those two parties to rebuild mass memberships. Labour needs to do that to reconnect with its historic voters. Focus groups are not enough. The Conservatives need to do it to ensure that no renegade hooligan like Heath ever induces it to spit on its historic constituency again. It's time to get Britain back on a course that suits the national temperament and accords broadly with the peoples will. If the Conservative Party moves in that direction, I will join it.
As for Farage, the statue is not enough. He should be elevated to the House of Lords, appointed to the Cabinet as Minister without portfolio and despatched to Brussels with Boris (our new Foreign Secretary) to negotiate Brexit.
islands of repression in a sea of freedom
Much of what they say is relevant to the current storm on social media in the wake of Brexit. I suggest it may partly account for the division between "educated" and "uneducated" in the referendum vote. I would love to see a breakdown of the Remain vote (but no academic will research it and no productive person would waste the time or money) between what Americans call "liberal arts" graduates and those from harder disciplines such as STEM, law and accountancy. Most of our "education", particularly since Blair forced up the numbers attending "uni" (as those on whom it was wasted always call it) is actively damaging to its victims' intelligence. They come out stupider than they went in.
"In comparison", as Hoff Sommers puts it, "to what?!"
Thou shalt teach both sides of the argument
A short and simple post on this wonderful day.
I am delighted with the outcome of the referendum. It's a remarkable achievement given that the game played by "Remain" was anything but cricket. From the misuse of taxpayers' money and the improper use of the Civil Service to campaign, through the recruitment of business leaders by means that will no doubt become apparent in the Prime Minister's Resignation Honours List to Project Fear itself, it has been a dirty business.
It's particularly satisfying to win when your opponent has cheated.
I am happy with the tone being struck the leadership of Vote Leave today. They grasped (as their opponents never would have done had it gone the other way) that almost half of our countrymen didn't want this and it's important not to gloat. They are already reaching out to citizens disappointed with the outcome and reassuring them that everything good about being European will continue. We are only leaving a set of incompetent, wasteful and corrupt institutions, not the continent itself.
The vote revealed Britain's divisions and the result gave us the opportunity – if we will only talk honestly to each other – to heal them. We were never going to be able to do so while bringing 27 countries with their own highly varied problems along with us. When we do stop paying our contributions to Brussels, we should divert most of the net savings to infrastructure investments with a particular eye on helping the depressed regions of Wales and the North and South-West of England. There has been massive mission creep on the state's part during my lifetime. It's time it stopped micromanaging our lives and got back to its basic job of supplying the public infrastructure we need to go about our business productively.
Perhaps I shouldn't be, but I am almost as pleased by the "bad loser" tone being adopted by the elites given a good kicking yesterday. It's almost as if they have not learned their lesson yet. The fact is they are stuck with Britain outside the EU now. There is no going back. The path trodden so lucratively by Mandelson and the Kinnocks is closed to them now. Either they calm down, get over themselves and work to unite the country on its new course, or they drift off into irrelevance. Either of those choices on their part would suit me just fine.
Today is the choice of our lifetime. Does the civilisation that gave the world the Rule of Law, habeas corpus, parliamentary democracy, Shakespeare, the Industrial Revolution and the Life of Brian go on?
Or is it to be subsumed into a Roman Law superstate; a People's Federal Republic of Blah and Meh? Is it to blend gradually into a body politic forged by and in the interests of countries that have never understood it, have always despised it and have never had a higher goal than to see it fall?
Do you care about the wacky distinctiveness, the subjection of men of power to the Rule of Law established at Runnymede, the anti-intellectualism and the aversion to elitism of what my German friends call (revealingly albeit without malice because it's just fine to be them and why wouldn't we be happy to be them too?) "your funny little islands?"
If this vote goes the wrong way I shall never vote again because there will be no point. My democracy will be dead and gone and my civilisation with it.
Please for the love of all our "funny little islands" have given the world ...
Imposing trade barriers, imposing protectionist measures between our two countries – or between the two political centres, the European Union on the one hand and the UK on the other – would be a very, very foolish thing in the 21st century. The BDI would urge politicians on both sides to come up with a trade regime that enables us to uphold and maintain the levels of trade we have
Rather like my metaphorical abusive husband, actually.
I worked in Warsaw from 1992 to 2003 and have been visiting it in the past three days. Watching a nation rebuild itself on the smouldering ruins of a communist economy had, I think it's fair to say, a profound influence on my life. I had been a Leftist in my callow youth, was a mainstream Thatcherite Conservative when I arrived here in my early 30s but learned, as I watched the Polish people rebuild, that she had not gone nearly far enough. The sheer joyful power of unrestrained market forces was not something I had experienced in the grey, regulated, socialist Britain of that era. It was akin to magic as the invisible hand did its stuff.
In business we talk of "the hog cycle". Demand for pork rises and more farmers switch to pig farming to chase the profit. Supply rises to match demand and prices fall. Too many farmers switch and prices crash. Lots of pig farmers (especially the new, inexperienced ones) go bankrupt. Pig farming becomes unpopular as the risks become clear. Farmers switch to more promising products and supply falls until it meets demand and prices rise again. Farmers will not return immediately to raising pigs when prices rise again because the memory of the last cycle lingers. Only when a new generation that doesn't remember the last crash arrives does production rise again.
All the young people I worked with in early post Communist Poland had grown up in a socialist society with its shortages, corruption and oppression. They went to with a will to build a modern economy and achieved startling success. They had largely done it by the time I left Poland – the Remainers claiming that the EU rebuilt post-communist Eastern Europe don't know what they are talking about. Poles welcomed EU accession as a symbol of acceptance back into the free world but the business people and professionals I know here are – although the country is a net gainer from the EU budget – little more enthusiastic about it than the French and Germans. And let's not forget French and German polls suggest their voters think less of it than the British who may be about to leave!
The children of the youngsters I worked with are now young adults themselves. They regard the Communist era as pure history and are making political noises that suggest a hankering, at some level, for the "good old days". My friends can't understand it but it's really just the political version of the hog cycle. Freedom needs advocates in every generation, no matter how clear the lessons of history may seem to those who lived through it. No battle, however noble, is every finally won.
It was not a great time to visit with Brexit in the air. I wanted to hear about my old friends' careers, families and general health and welfare. They wanted to know if Britain was going to Leave, how I would vote and what were my reasons. Although I had no time to blog, I was talking politics all the time alas. Not least of course when I had a pre-lunch drink with Dick Puddlecote on Sunday! He happened to be in Warsaw for a harm reduction conference and it was good to catch up.
It was a great weekend. I am back in Britain tomorrow in readiness for referendum day.