THE LAST DITCH An Englishman returned after twenty years abroad blogs about liberty in Britain
Taking the high road
A day trip to England

Flash bang wallop

Nothing enthuses me more than being in the presence of a photography "great" and watching him experiment in front of my eyes. I have nothing to report by way of travelogue today because all I saw was the inside of an Edinburgh hotel's conference room where Joe McNally was conducting a flash photography workshop.

Joe, sitting on Edinburgh cobbles
Michael Cali, Joe's first assistant, serves as a voice activated light-stand
Joe, directing our dancer / model Natalie

At the end of the day Joe led us out onto the street and continued the workshop shoot in front of bemused passers-by. His exuberance was - as always - inspiring. He claims still to be in love with the click of the shutter. We left his workshop with a little piece of that excitement.

Tomorrow I have a day off from photographic studies and plan - depending on the weather - to drive to Lindisfarne and back. The map of my tour is here and my photos from this trip can be seen here


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