THE LAST DITCH An Englishman returned after twenty years abroad blogs about liberty in Britain
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It's been a while, Warsaw

Speranza in another world

It's been a while. My excursions have been short and not particularly blogworthy. Those of you who know I have a soft spot for the virtual reality world known as Second Life may be interested to see that Speranza has arrived there. Here she is with my avatar, parked outside our SL home.

She has toured forty-eight US states, six European countries (eight if you count Scotland and Wales as separate) and now she's on the loose (in road and track versions, with her retractable roof fully animated) in a second, virtual, world. 

My thanks to the talented SL builder who made her for me. She goes by the name of Kendra Kitalpha and her skills are remarkable.

Tom and Speranza in Second Life_002


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James Higham

She's been loyal to you, Speranza.

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