THE LAST DITCH An Englishman returned after twenty years abroad blogs about liberty in Britain
Research links children's psychological problems to prolonged screen time. Oh yeah?
One, two, three, what are we fighting for?

More enforcement, not more laws


There is a proposal in the United States to extend background checks so that everyone selling a gun - not just a licensed dealer as at present - must first check out their buyer. It sounds innocuous, yes? Who could possibly disapprove? After all, it's not in the interests of law-abiding gun owners for more criminals to have guns. But here's the point. Seventy-six thousand background checks last year detected criminals trying to buy guns. Yet the police prosecuted only thirteen. If there are no consequences when a background check detects a crime, what exactly is the point of having more checks?

This illustrates a key problem with modern politicians - and not just in the USA. They prefer the publicity value of being seen to make new laws to the hard slog of making current ones work. They would rather appear to do something than - well - actually do something. Which is why we have thousands of laws on the books that criminalise virtually everyone, while those committing the handful of crimes that actually matter generally go about their business undisturbed.
If the money spent on debating, promoting and implementing this new law were given instead to the police to be used for enforcement, how many bad guys would be off the streets? Why doesn't that count as "doing something" any more?


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meanwhile over here in Blighty - our equally wise politicians are enacting a law that forces every landlord to check the passport of any prospective tenant and ensure he/she has the right be in this country, with fines imposed for failure to comply!

Sounds to me like the state has initially failed in its role to ensure who it decrees should be here or not and is now passing its dirty work onto others and fining them if they make a mistake!

And people actually vote for these people to rule over them….


Who is going to pay the cost of making any checks? The vendor?

What will be the penalty if they don't want to be forced to pay this new "Gun selling tax"

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