THE LAST DITCH An Englishman returned after twenty years abroad blogs about liberty in Britain
Another way of looking at the tax avoidance fuss
Political priorities


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Cascadian, Maybe we orta gab in street/slang? The cant changes every few years so people cant understand what yong people are saying? Wouldn't that be sick?


Quite honestly I believe all our email correspondence is being cached already, this is not just a UK problem, the USA are building a huge new facility in Colorado to do just that, whatever the USA and UK do is available to Canada and Australia via ECHELON.

Data storage used to be expensive now it costs peanuts, translation and interpretation of the massive files are their current roadblock.


OOh! And Saturnailia Mustn't forget Saturnailia... Is everyone ready?


I read they are working on that. Legislation that will force Internet providers to keep data on emails and internet use for a year. so the police/customs/a council office boy can look at it. Now when Labour were wanting to do that the conservatives were against it, how come they are for it now?

The festival of Janus the god of beginnings (just has to be a politician's favorite god with him having two faces ^_^ ) is fast approaching. Don't forget the updating of lamps to provide light for the coming year..


Communist manifesto item 6:

Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.

You will submit to the states wishes, or get it in the neck say7s Harriet Beria.


Every single pro-Levison poli belongs in gaol as a traitor to the values s/he was elected to defend. Respectable pols would be demanding an end to the shameful state control of the broadcast media rather than seeking to extend it to print and pixel.


But surely Guido needs to be sent to prison to stop him hacking celebs phones? ^_^ No Maybe it's to stop him saying embarrasing but true things about politicians then.. it's all so confusing ^_^


Yep, they've had the "free press" eating out of their hand for a long time now.

If they did regulate it, little would change. I'm sure they'd still be the odd bit of dissent but purely to give the illusion of freedom.

I imagine the real target was always the internet.

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