THE LAST DITCH An Englishman returned after twenty years abroad blogs about liberty in Britain
A Guardianista gets it, up to a point
Reform Section 5

Compulsion works

BOI Day 21
Rob Riemen, Nexus Institute

I attended three sessions on the second day of the Battle of Ideas 2012. The event helped me understand how Britain has changed during the twenty years I was away. My classical liberal views, as held by most enlightened people since, well, the Enlightenment are now considered to be not merely out of step but wicked. Today I heard them bracketed in all seriousness, with fascism. And not by some foaming-at-the-mouth student Trot, but by this eminent intellectual (photo, above)

I also heard him claim that Geert Wilders had attacked his right of free expression by trying to close down his institute. When I asked him later what Wilders had actually done, he explained that he had lobbied (unsuccessfully) for the institute's state funding to be withdrawn. Whatever you think of Wilders' views (and I hold no brief for him) he is a man who is in such danger for speaking freely that he has to sleep at a different location every night under armed guard. It is extremely dishonest to equate an attempt to stop money being extorted from taxpayers to finance the expression of a particular view to the suppression of free speech.

I also disliked Riemen's dishonest hijacking of the language of spirituality to argue that we must submit to a higher good. We don't need more wealth, he said (tell that to the Chinese and Indians) we need "true education" (i.e. indoctrination in his way of thinking) and "arts, culture, knowledge, wisdom, love". Those things are desirable, of course, but all except love need money to pursue. As someone who lived his working life as part of the engine of society, I get tired of hearing the wing mirrors and the pine-scented air freshener (however much I might like to have both) tell me snootily that they are more important.

BOI Day 24
Professor Frank Furedi

The only encouraging words I heard in the session at which Riemen spoke on The 21st Century Case for Freedom were from Frank Furedi, late leader of the the Revolutionary Communist Party and now emeritus professor of Sociology at the University of Kent. He told us Stalinists had said freedom was less important than poverty because how could you be free if you were hungry and that George W. Bush had said it was less important than security because how could you be free if you were afraid of terrorists. Both Right and Left used the same arguments to subvert freedom and he thought they were mere excuses. We needed to reassert that freedom was a primary good, not one to be subordinated to others at every turn. As he put it,

We need an unqualified endorsement of freedom. No ifs and no buts.

Wary though I am of the man himself, I could not agree with him more on this point. Furedi and the leader of the Institute of Ideas, Claire Fox (another RCP graduate) are denounced by the likes of George Monbiot as defectors from the left to the libertarian right for their defences of free speech and liberty. I am not sure whether they, or we true libertarians, should be more insulted. They both still claim to be leftists, and I believe them, but they are fulfilling a useful role. They are beaters who flush out the undoubted enemies of freedom from cover for us to shoot them down.

BOI Day 22
Natalie Bennett, Green Party leader, reacts to the notion that Freedom is a primary good

Furedi certainly fulfilled that function in the session I attended. Both Riemen and Green Party leader Natalie Bennett were visibly disturbed by the notion of freedom as a primary good.

While advocating the execrable policy of a citizen's basic income whereby the productive are required to support anyone who decides to be idle (which she jokingly predicted will lead to lots of bad poetry) Bennett was laudably hostile to the coalition government's plans to hold more secret trials (euphemistically called closed material procedures) when the interests of the State are at stake. That was it though from her as far as civil liberties are concerned.

Like so many at the event, Bennett claimed to be concerned about the state's freedom of operation in the face of powerful corporate interests. She cited the SuperPACs in the US elections, corporate lobbying and advertising as evidence that the state, God help us, is weak in the face of the business world.

I wanted to tell her that everyone in the room was several trillion pounds richer than the UK government, but that doesn't mean they are a threat. The idea that a state with a total monopoly on the use of force, control over the national curriculum, control through state funding of a huge proportion of academic research, the ability to propagandise constantly at taxpayer expense etc. is weak in the face of companies only interested in selling goods and services is too ludicrous for words. Nonetheless, it was a constant theme at the event and I cannot tell if those arguing it are genuinely stupid or dishonestly justifying more state control. I suspect the latter. I know Orwell's point that some things are so stupid only intellectuals can believe them, but this just goes too far.

As did Bennett's complaint that the people of Totnes are getting a branch of Costa Coffee they don't want because the planning system is too weak to protect their "freedom". If the people of Totnes don't want their new coffee shop, it will be gone in months. Opening it is a bet the company is making that they do want it. All the residents have to do is not show up. The idea that planning control promotes freedom, when it actually limits the use by an owner of his own property, destroying value in the process, is again, too ridiculous to be anything but sinister. 

Freedom had to be constrained, she said predictably, by the physical limits on the Earth's resources. Uncontroversial enough, but however pessimistic you are about the environmental limits of economic development, there are traditional approaches to making people pay for their externalities, rather than demanding centralised control of production and, as Bennett did, rationing of carbon outputs. Those approaches are consistent with both free markets and the exercise of personal choice. Even without getting into the debate about whether, in Furedi's terms, Anthropogenic Global Warming is another moral panic/excuse to limit freedom, environmental factors need not make freedom an unaffordable luxury.

The second session I attended was called Risk, regulation and red tape. I am sorry to tell you it was even more depressing. Professor Nick Butler of Kings College and more relevantly the Fabian Society actually said from a public platform with a straight face;

All the regulations of the last 50 years were necessary and are effective.

I noted it carefully because I could not believe my ears. There was a good discussion in the session of the costs of over- or mis-regulation. I strongly argued that the greatest cost of all was in the businesses that never begin. The costs of entry of compliance with regulations prepared for (and sometimes lobbied for by) big business prevent many startups. Simon Nixon of the Wall Street journal laid the blame for increasing regulation at the door of citizens who are simply not prepared to accept risk as their fathers and grandfathers did. If we demand the government insure us against all harm, then it's inevitable, he argued, that government must regulate fiercely to limit its own liability. 

This sounds like a good excuse, but does not apply to regulations sponsored by big business to block competition. There is no pressure from the people for government to rig the market, surely? Submitting to such pressure is criminally corrupt and the people are more likely to relish Ministers going to gaol for it, than applaud them. The only point on which Professor Butler and I agreed was that all regulations (I suggested all statutes too) should have a "sunset clause" so that they expire automatically unless renewed after, say, 10 years. I don't think one generation has a right to bind the next and time-limited laws would have the benefit of preventing archaic rules from silting up the legal system. They would have the subsidiary benefit of keeping politicians busy ensuring their favourite laws stayed in force, rather than justifying their existence by constantly creating new ones. The devil has found lots of work for those idle hands.

I took pleasure in making in public my oft-repeated point here that the state's workforce is bigger than it appears because so many people in the private sector are engaged in tax collection (VAT and PAYE) and compliance, which is of no benefit to the customers or owners of the business. I pointed out that the HR department of the large law firm I retired from was bigger than the whole medium-sized firm I trained in - most of them engaged on ensuring compliance with employment law. When these secret civil servants are counted, I strongly suspect the proportion of people engaged on the state's business in Britain today is higher than it was in Poland or Czechoslovakia immediately before the fall of Communism.

BO1 Day 2 - 2
The panel on the "Risk, Regulation and Red Tape" session. L-R Littlewood, Nixon, Fox, Appleton, Amitrano and Professor "No bad regulations" Butler
Mark Littlewood of the IEA floated the interesting idea that, if regulations are so beneficial to consumers, the government could commercialise the system by allowing unregulated businesses to operate if they branded their goods with a suitable warning. This could permit people to choose between, say, a cheaper cola with no lists of ingredients on the can and more expensive "safer" stuff they would presumably prefer. This foxed his opponents because of its novelty and the slowness of their unused-to-being-challenged thought processes. I am fairly sure their answer when they regroup will be that this will expose the "vulnerable in society", obviously too stupid to understand the benefits of regulation, to exploitation.

As so often the most alarming views came from the floor. One shrill lady took exception to the ridiculing of Health & Safety, darkly assuring us that employers were ready, if we dropped our guard, to start inflicting pain, injury and death on their workers. In thirty years in commercial law, I can't say I ever met a business person with such aspirations, but perhaps I was just lucky?

The final session I attended yesterday was called Drink, Smoke, Eat; Prohibition Today. This was by far the liveliest, but also the least satisfactory. The health fascists on the panel refused to engage, saying there was no plan for prohibition, while declining to set any limits on future restrictions on the sale, marketing and use of legal products such as tobacco. Pressed, the One Show Doctor, Sarah Jarvis said that there was a difference between tobacco and alcohol because there was a safe limit to which alcohol could be used, while any smoking was dangerous. She was a personable lady whom I would be happy to have as my GP and whose advice I would try to take. She simply didn't grasp, in her backed-by-state-force arrogance, that there was a difference between being an advisor and a boss.

When we nationalised medical services in Britain (a mistake in my view, but that's for another time) we did not give the medical profession a promotion. We still expect them to serve us, not direct us. Nor do we expect them to describe us as a "cost" to the NHS, when the NHS is a cost to us. It may sound a bit Downton Abbey (the sneering leftists at the Barbican and their overt contempt for the plebs - though of course they would never use the word - may perhaps have infected me) but this woman simply does not know her place.

On the cost point, the excellent Chris Snowden (author of The Spirit Level Delusion for which contribution to society I was delighted to have chance to buy him a thank you pint later) pointed out that, if the Health Lobby's arguments were true, the smokers, drinkers and over-eaters were saving the NHS a fortune by dying before they became a burden. The laugh this got from the health fascists rather gave the lie to their "caring" stance.

BO1 Day 2 - 4
The winner of my "worst person at the Battle of Ideas" award, Dr Michael "Fun" Nelson

Which brings me my award for the all-round worst person at the Battle of Ideas. This is a great honour for someone from the dark side of statism, given the hundreds of Marxists, busybodies and all-out fascists present. My choice is Dr Michael Nelson, director of research and nutrition at the Children's Food Trust (a "social business" working with the "charity" the Schools Food Trust).

Again, it wasn't the advice he would give parents as to what their children should eat but his contempt for their ability to make choices and their right to do so that was the problem. He gave this post its title when he complained that parents (as witness the contents of packed lunches they sent with their children to school) could not be trusted to make good choices for their childrens health. Government attempts to improve nutrition by requiring catering contractors to offer healthy choices had failed because those choices were simply not taken up. If we care about "our children" he said (oddly as he and I have no children together) then we must help parents who; 

...we know from experience do not themselves have the the power of executive decision when it comes to their own diet...

I asked myself (but did not dare to articulate the suggestion unless it gave him ideas) why he stopped short of taking all British children into care. After all, their parents are too stupid to raise them properly and are jeopardising their health irresponsibly.

I don't doubt the good doctor's sincere desire to make children healthier, but fear he lacks understanding of the consequences of what he says. Yes "compulsion works", just as when soldiers are taught to accept orders without question. But people trained to obedience find it hard to fit back into society as autonomous individuals. Since returning to Britain I find my fellow-citizens, on average, rather irritating. I have realised in the last couple of days it's because they don't behave as adults any more. They are spoiled children assuming that mummy and daddy (the state) will make any problem they face go away. They are resistant to the idea they are responsible for their own lives and simply demand that the productive minority - through the agency of the state's monopoly of force - be compelled to pay for whatever the hell they want.

Conversely, when Dr Sarah complains that the "same few names" cropped up as causing drunken trouble in her Shepherd's Bush surgery on a Friday afternoon, it never occurs to her to suggest action against those problematic individuals. No, she sees it as a reason to impose restrictions on us all, even though most of us will never (however much her thoughtless authoritarianism might infuriate us) rampage through her waiting room.

I must now seriously consider if it's worth wasting my life supporting ideas that are, as far as our ruling class is concerned, dead. Hearing our public intellectuals expound the new orthodoxy, it's clear that nothing short of economic collapse or armed revolution will change their minds. As I desire neither and will certainly do nothing to promote them, perhaps I should just shut up? God knows a weekend spent listening to them discuss how best to command and control a population they despise for its stupidity and ignorance was not my idea of fun. Given their creepy authoritarianism, it may also be unwise to provide them with an online public archive of my "wicked" views.

I have taken the event at face value and applaud what it attempted. While I am fully aware of the shady background of the Institute of Ideas and its founders, I think they genuinely attempted to assemble the full range of British intellectual opinion. That range is simply neither very wide, nor very intellectual.

I was left with the impression that the British Establishment, and particularly academia, is so thoughtlessly leftist that our public intellectuals have descended into lazy complacency. They face no challenge to their stale ideas. As someone who spent two decades in post-Communist countries trying to build on economic, social and political ruins wrought by indistinguishable ideas, I find that incredible. Not to mention rather disgusting.

To hear them talk, state control of public commerce and private behaviour for the greater good of "society" (as defined by an authoritarian elite) is a radical new idea that has never been tried. The global suffering of Marxism's 20th Century guinea pigs is forgotten and they are looking to fill their lab's cages with new ones.

Our nation is already run on their principles under their guidance. What they would call in other contexts "hate speech" against the business people who generate the wealth to sustain them in their parasitical existence is the common currency of the political class, whether Labour, LibDem or "Conservative". Yet still they rail against unnamed "elites" who plunder our "collective assets" for private gain. I wanted to cry out "When will you bloody tyrants stop playing the victim?" As a fellow-libertarian who did rather lose it in one of the sessions found out, it would have earned only uncomprehending looks.

Their view of corporations is as nuanced as the portrayal of super-villains in a comic book or Bond film. Frankly the Joker or Blofeld are more fully-developed characters, with more believable motivations than their image of a business man or woman. They wield the state's monopoly of violence to shape our everyday lives. Yet they expect us to fear those whose only motivation is to make money by selling us things we want.

Our children come home indoctrinated from schools where they have shaped the curriculum. They go to universities where a leftist professor setting an essay on Plato can announce "Anyone who quotes Popper with approval will be marked down". A professor I shocked in conversation during the weekend accepted that British academia is riddled with Marxists. Yet still the left expect us to believe that commercial advertising is so powerful as to make a nonsense of free will.

I understand the motivations of the business people they despise, whereas theirs strike me as pathological. My mistakes have given me the humility to understand that it's really hard to get one's own life right. To believe you have the wisdom to shape the lives of your fellow-citizens better than they could themselves is, to my mind, insane. What is the point of engaging lunatics in discussion?


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"requiring catering contractors to offer healthy choices had failed because those choices were simply not taken up"

You reminded me of my childhood. My father would say things like "would you mow the lawn?". He would phrase it as a question, and I suspected that only one answer was allowed, so one time I tried a "no", and my suspicions were confirmed. The backlash to my saying "no" was horrific enough that I knew never to try it again.

When people provide a choice, and then they lament that action be taken because the proper choice was not taken, then it was never a choice in the first place, was it?

Andrew Duffin

Heartfelt and moving, Tom, thank you.

I admire your courage and patience in taking part in this, it's more than I could stand: I find the occasional Friday evening with my champagne-socialist neighbours about as much as I can take, much as I like them as friends.

Well done to you and thanks for the report.

Paul Marks

A very good article.


Thank you very much. I blush at your very kind praise.

john warren

When it comes to the current peevish level of state interference and the constant bullying of ordinary folk who do not agree with what is being increasingly demanded of them, then I fear we maybe past the point of no return. This brilliant piece however, successfully nails so much of what has gone wrong. Having now re-read it - for the third time - and also after reading the comments above, it also serves to bring a little hope to to a well beaten-up spirit. Battles fought during recent times to regain so much lost liberty and which needed to be won were lost. That battles cannot now be rejoined but the fight itself continues. Those of us who cannot help but worry about our children's futures have been spiritually weakened. Yet all of us can take comfort from the fact that this article has been written at all and that the fight for our true democratic freedoms does therefore still goes on. Thank you Tom for a great post and thanks too, to all those of you who've added to its impact.


Strangely enough, it would seem that Furedi's views are becoming more sensible.
He recently wrote a paper which apparently suggested that the possibility of being sued for negligence is having an adverse impact on people's actions. I did not read it-just the report in the Law Society Gazette.
This rather gives one some hope.
But generally, the outlook seems bleak with compliance being the main aim of any activity- rather than delivery. As you may know the practise of law is now a tick-box exercise enforced by the SRA-rather than an exercise of professional judgment.
My own opinion is that Europe is doomed-overtaxed, over-regulated and well on the way to becoming Venice-once powerful, now just a tourist destination.


I shouldn't have cropped his cat out of the shot, should I? B^)


Yes indeed he did and my rather hubristic adoption of his name as my nom de guerre reflects my admiration for him. But he was advocating armed struggle against that tyranny. It's not that I don't think that would be justified. Democracy or not, I believe there is a moral limit on the scope of the state that has long since been exceeded. The boundary between legitimate public activity and interference in personal choice has been breached. But most of my fellow-countrymen seem content with their life as time-share slaves, working for the state for months of the year before they are allowed to earn for themselves. It's a corvée that is much greater than the one of a few days forced labour a year that helped start the French Revolution

If a statute was passed that libertarians should be minced for dog food, my fellow-citizens, who know no morality but the state's power, would shrug their shoulders and say "it's the law." The authoritarian intellectuals know that. Unless they take every child into care to be raised by the collective (and the arrogant middle classes at the Battle of Ideas would probably support even that) I can't see the British silent majority opposing them.


Top article!


Brilliant post

Suboptimal Planet

Superb post!

I had a chuckle at this bit:

Pressed, the One Show Doctor, Sarah Jarvis said that there was a difference between tobacco and alcohol because there was a safe limit to which alcohol could be used, while any smoking was dangerous.

Any smoking? One cigarette a day? A week? A month? A year? A lifetime? How many years of your life would each cost you?

I like to think that even a schoolchild could see the absurdity. I wonder how long it takes to indoctrinate away that instinct. Or how long before the likes of Jarvis declare that there's no safe level of alcohol consumption.

I haven't yet read The Spirit Level Delusion, but I enjoyed The Art of Suppression enough to buy a Kindle copy of Velvet Glove, Iron Fist, which is equally good (I'm about half way through). I suppose I've suffered a good deal of indoctrination myself, as I didn't realise how weak the evidence was for the health hazards of second hand smoke.

Tobacco has never appealed to me, though of course I've tried it, but I respect every man's trade-off between quality of life (as he sees it) and quantity. I also realise the dangers of aggregation: extremely premature death seems to have little to do with smoking and drinking.

Thanks for suffering the lunatics so that we didn't have to. You won't get through to them, but your blogging will save many.

Dick Puddlecote

Excellent post, Tom. It was great to see you yesterday.

You were true to your word, you left me with nothing but scraps.


Is it just me, or does Rob Riemen look like Blofeld?


Aww. all that Rieman meant was that his speech should be free for him. All expenses paid!

As for the rest of your fine post, it exposes the fact that many modern - I was going to say philosophies, but that is far too grandiose a title to bestow on these cigarette card ideas - outlooks rely on imposing their thinking on the unwashed masses by force or financial strictures.

Anyway, please accept my congratulations for your devotion above and beyond the call of duty.


A fine sentiment, and a great country was built mainly on the basis of limited government and free enterprise. And yet the very freedoms that the USA espouses has led to an infestation of the academy by Marxists bent on bringing the republic down. Their toxic ideas have mortgaged the country almost to an irreversible point in four years.

The constitution and bill of rights were drafted by men with the foresight that occasionally it would be necessary to remove a despotic government, perhaps by force. That is still achievable within the USA, in the UK it is not, you are impotent.

What Tom (and Richard) have described is nothing less than "the long march through the institutions" by Gramsci-ists, it is almost complete. The watermelons are now openly advocating for extensive restrictions on your rights. Their toxic ideas will result in energy shortages this winter and excessive food price increases. I wonder if the citizenry will correlate these outcomes to recent silly statist regulation forced through by watermelons?

A website I frequent uses the following statement to devastating effect-What is the opposite of Diversity? University!-How true it is, there is only one philosophy that is allowed to blossom at todays universities.


Beautifully, if chillingly articulated; thank you Tom.

Richard Carey

BTW, a famous man once wrote this:

"THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated."

David Thompson


“A weekend spent listening to [public intellectuals] discussing how best to command and control a population they openly despise for its stupidity and ignorance was not my idea of fun.”

It’s not at all unusual to find Observer articles telling us, quite firmly, that “the challenge of obesity” may necessitate “radical action,” including “limiting individuals’ freedom to consume junk.” (As Anna pointed out in the comments at my place, it makes perfect sense - provided you regard people as livestock.) And flicking through the Guardian reveals similar sentiments on an all but weekly basis. As when Professor Boyd Swinburne unveiled the notion of “passive overeating,” the solution to which is, of course, to “intervene more directly.” According to our crusading academic, the issue of diet must not be left to the individual, who is at best a victim and simply can’t be trusted. Instead, state intervention should take the form of “junk food-free zones” and the banning of adverts for food that the professor deems unhealthy, such adverts being “unethical.” Foodstuffs of which the professor disapproves should – of course - be taxed heavily. Making food more expensive is, we’re told, “a benefit.”

And both of these newspapers describe themselves as liberal.

Richard Carey

Yes indeed, and have been doing so for a long time, and playing the long game. Not for nothing did the Webbs name their society after Fabius.


Thanks for the encouraging words. I rather wish after this weekend that Thatcher had left the unions and nationalised industries alone and privatised the universities instead. They have been infiltrated by our enemies are are poisoning our society quite systematically.

Richard Carey

A tour de force, there Tom. You have looked into the face of the enemy. The intellectuals are for the most part unreachable, but they can be beaten, they can be outflanked, and they are weak and verminous. Do not despair. It is natural to want to walk away, but unfortunately, that isn't really an option. They will not stop growing. They will not stop their war on the rest of humanity, until they are stopped. It has taken a long time to get so far down into the abyss, and will surely take a long time to get out, but we must do what we can to keep alive the principles we believe in, so that others can carry on the fight.

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