THE LAST DITCH An Englishman returned after twenty years abroad blogs about liberty in Britain
Love the show, troubled by the message
How to deal with Twits

That way, madness lies

It is such a cliché to tell a policeman engaged on trivia that he should be catching burglars that - though we all think it - only the least educated of us now say it out loud. Yet what else, really, is one to say to the Dorset Police? They have arrested a young Twit known as @Rileyy_69 for his unpleasant tweet to an Olympic diver. Is Dorset really so peaceful a shire that this is an honest-to-God arrestable offence?

I have been repeatedly burgled. I lost a ring and my first good watch from my parent's home (they lost much more). Mrs Paine and I had all our wedding gifts stolen from our first home. Even in the home that has not (yet) been robbed, I pay insurance premiums that make me a victim of crime. Not one person has ever been arrested in connection with tangible harms done to me. Yet a foolish boy makes a stupid remark on Twitter and the full majesty of the law descends.

That mere words are now criminal in the land that pioneered the rule of law and once prided itself on the forthrightness of its yeomen is beyond me. Yet my fellow citizens seem - for the most part - unconcerned or even approving. Theirs is the ethic of the afternoon TV show, where sentiment rules the head and fists fly for imagined slights. More athletes have been dropped from their teams for racist tweets than for blood doping and otherwise sensible people say "Of course these ejections are justified..." It's a running and jumping contest, boys, not a vicar's tea party. Who cares what sports people think? That they think at all is a pleasant surprise.

Goodness knows I am in no mood to defend someone who taunts a young chap who lost his father to cancer. Yet his nasty words were just that. Words. They were the dark but logical corollary of the sentimentality that held him out as honouring his late father by his athletic achievements. Have he and his coaches not motivated him by the fear of doing precisely what @Rileyy_69 nastily accused him of; letting his late father down?

I do hope his name is not published. This young fool's life should not be rendered even more unpromising because he said something nasty and silly. As a boy of his age I was exhorting everyone who would listen to rise up and slaughter the bourgeoisie in the name of "the masses." This, to the approval of my leftist teachers who thought my murderousness showed my heart to be in the right place. And to the amusement of everyone else, because my words were of no consequence. Have we lost that common sense?

@Rileyy_69 is no worse than I was. I venture to guess, gentle reader, that you were foolish yourself in your youth and have said things that would have sounded as bad on Twitter as they looked on the wall of the bike shed. These new technologies allow us to disseminate our foolishness more widely than before, but that's really no reason to take it more seriously.


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I heard it reported on TVlike you posted it. There was no mention of anything but how TDs dad would have been "dissapointed". And in truth he probably would have been, not dissapointed in Tom but juat dissapointed. Maybe not let down because to me it looked more like Tom's entry was the cleaner and it takes two to tango and do synchronised diving.

So I figure you can be forgiven for not knowing the other stuff. I didn't either. I did think when I heard it "what on earth are the police doing arresting someone for saying that?".

I guess they really arrested him for publishing something racist under the Public Order Act? See I know my stuff ^_^ Like if they caught him putting up a racist poster on a wall?

But was the act really meant for tweeting or whatever?

Something we all need to remember. No matter what it is for whatever dreadful thing. If a law is enacted and powers are given, then sooner or later those powers _will_ be used (or maybe say mis-used)for something the makers whould swear it would never be used for.

We need to remember that when some "tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime" politician wants to "protect" us from TERRORISM, ORGANISED CRIME and PAEDOPHILES.


Our judiciary seems able to digest common sense when it is force fed to them by Stephen Fry on the 10 o'clock news. I'm not convinced they would choose it off the à la carte though.


The Dorset Constabulary and local CPS don't seem to be up to date with their legal reading, do they? How long since the Supreme Court ruled on the Robin Hood Airport tweet?


He might not have been arrested for the Daley tweet but you can be damn sure he wouldn't have been arrested without it.

I wonder where the responsibility lies for this kind of nonsense. Is it PC PCs eager to climb the greasy pole with high profile cases. Or is it grandstanding CPS lawyers keen to prosecute anything that has generated public outrage and column inches. I suspect the latter as the Police wouldn't waste their time without CPS encouragement.


I stand corrected, but his tweets were still just words, right? When will the round-up of Marxist revolutionaries who openly incite violence begin? Not, you understand, because I think it should but because it would be logically consistent.


He wasn't arrested for the Tom Daley tweet, but for the violent and abusive tweets about raping and killing people before and after as well as a video containing the same, along with a fair amount of racist abuse. Sure it's just teenage machismo, but not just a hurtful remark.

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