THE LAST DITCH An Englishman returned after twenty years abroad blogs about liberty in Britain
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How Britain was lost

BBC News - Racist Tube rant woman Jacqueline Woodhouse jailed.

The freedoms of people you like; the rights to free expression of those who share your views, those are the easy ones to accept. And the least important. For freedom to mean anything, we need - like Voltaire - to defend to the death the rights of those with whom we disagree. This is why all laws based on people taking offence at each other are mistaken.

The public response to this case saddens me. It reveals that Voltaire's thinking is alien to most modern Brits. The 1970's student union nonsense of "no platform for fascists and racists" has become the law of our once free nation - and we are too stupid (as most students were then) to understand why that's wrong.

OK, so you don't agree with this silly woman. Neither do I (though in this context I feel ashamed to feel the need to say so). But the same forces that have made her silliness and rudeness an imprisonable offence are ready to do the same to you and me. You have views that offend the Left. British Leftists are characterised by their readiness to take offence. They will never rest until they have you in fear of this stupid woman's fate.


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james higham

This is why all laws based on people taking offence at each other are mistaken.

Absolutely - there's little to be added.

Schrodinger's Dog


This is a bit of a mixed bag.

I agree absolutely with your comment "They [British leftists] will never rest until they have you in fear of this stupid woman's fate", and I truly loathe the laws outlawing incitement to hatred.

On the other hand, it is difficult to defend this on free speech grounds. I'm not a lawyer, but as I understand it, even before the current anti-racism laws, there are several centuries-old offences for which she could have been prosecuted, such as causing an affray, breach of the peace or using threatening words and behaviour. That said, the 21-week jail sentence seems excessive seeing how she was not actually violent, although according to the Huffington Post she was fined for a similar outburst on the Docklands Light Railway in 2008. Details here

Dick Puddlecote

On the plus side, in amongst the more nutty commenters, even HuffPo residents sense that there is something very sinister about this.

Suboptimal Planet

Truly shocking! I hadn't heard of that case.

Here's a Telegraph link, for those who are Daily Mail averse:

Strangely, I couldn't find any BBC or Guardian articles on the subject ...


The obvious conclusion is that Jacqueline Woodhouse was poorly represented in court. Or perhaps she is too melanine -deficient, or belongs to an under-represented victim class.

Judging from a previous example:
she should have been released with a warning.

These miscarriages of "justice" are very damaging to a country and will eventually result in the populace ignoring laws and meting their own form of perceived "justice" on minorities

The judge is a very foolish person. Ms Woodhouse's representaive in court is incompetent.

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