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This pantomime of choice has created a mess, and an awful paradox | Deborah Orr | Comment is free | The Guardian.

Deborah Orr of The Guardian has been suffering from breast cancer. I recently lost my wife to that disease so I am primed to sympathise with her. But I can't. Because an idiot with cancer is still an idiot and a villain with cancer is still a villain. Consider Orr's words (please, because clearly she hasn't);
As a recent breast cancer patient, I've made many "choices", and have sat in many rooms having my choices outlined to me, by many consultants. I wanted to opt for "I'm in your hands. Whatever you think best." But I had no choice, except choice.
She wants to be told what to do about her own life or possible death. She doesn't want to be treated as an adult. She wants "daddy" to decide. Because she doesn't understand her choices, she thinks that choice is an illusion. God forbid, that she should try to improve her own understanding so as better to exercise them.
If she were content to flutter her eyelashes and let the nice doctor decide for her, that would be fine. But no, she is a Guardianista and therefore opposes choice for others. Because, you see;
Choice is a driver of inequality. This sad fact has been illustrated very clearly in Britain over the last few decades. The more money and education you have, the better the choices you can make and afford, and the more your position of strength and privilege is bolstered. This is seen mostly clearly in education, not just in terms of state v private, but also, since the Conservative reforms of the 1980s and 1990s, in state education.
To you and me, choice may be the very lever that operates the mechanisms of economic and political democracy. But to Orr, it is a "driver of inequality." She does have one valid point though. It's certainly true that many making economic and political choices are ill-informed. She sneers;
Who, really, is expert enough in olive oil to make an informed choice between 200 olive oils? 

Quite, but never mind Italian pasta-lube; watch this video and consider how well-qualified some people are to vote.


Certainly, it's embarrassing how dumb many of our neighbours are. But over time the wisdom of crowds can prevail. Sensible choices can be made, via market and democratic mechanisms, from the collective choices of groups that include large numbers of fools. Even fools can sometimes see when their friends and neighbours have made better choices and then make the wise choice of following suit. Given enough time, the best products, services and financial institutions will prosper and the worst - unless propped up by some Keynesian (or Kenyan) - will fail.

During her illness, Mrs Paine and I went through a long hell of ever-diminishing choices. We listened, took advice, thought hard and decided. Sometimes we decided to do as were were advised. Sometimes not. Those choices narrowed until they came down this question; "If we can get you stable enough to endure another horrid treatment that probably won't work do you want to try it?" It was a choice to buy with pain (and a large cheque, as the treatment was unlicensed and neither offered by the NHS nor covered by insurance) a lottery ticket with a one in millions chance of the prize of life.

Though we chose to buy that ticket, Mrs P. was never well enough. But she was making choices - and was therefore a free woman - to the very end of her life. There is a value in that. There is a joy and a dignity in freedom that Deborah Orr will never understand.

I wish her all the best for full recovery from her illness. Nonetheless - shame on her.


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Henry Crun

Love the video clip. It does make one wonder how some Americans manage to get their shoes on the correct feet in a morning.


A nice Californian zin, or a cabernet franc, depending I guess ^_^


You know this blogger's standard answer to that question. Of course not. Life isn't. For those of us without time or inclination to learn about olive oil, there's always branding to fall back on. A brand is a promise. Or for that matter, the advice of better-informed friends.

Now when it comes to wine, however, many of us are prepared to do more homework. And what the anti-individualists forget is that we individualists are quite ready to work with each other, if not forced. So I could take you out to lunch, for example, and share the benefits of my wine homework with you, while you share the benefit of your olive oil wisdom with me.

Isn't that a far prettier picture of life than Ms Orr's dismal 'take what you're given by your betters?'


Well Olive oil is not so difficult. It depends what you want to use it for for a start. Just for basic cooking it is better not to waste money on extra virgin, or worry too much. Extra Virgin is the first press and better quality, so you use that where taste is more important. Different olives make for slightly different tastes so the choice for Greek, Italian, Spanish, and so on is more a question of taste.

The big problem with some soerts of inequality is that some people have the sense to come in out of the rain and some just don't.

Now I ask you - is that fair?

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