THE LAST DITCH An Englishman returned after twenty years abroad blogs about liberty in Britain
Nemo dat quod non habet
British values - just what are they?

The aftermath of 9/11

September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


This is the anniversary of the day that had even the French saying "we are all Americans now."

I remember a baffled Polish colleague coming into my office in Warsaw with the news. I remember waiting to hear if colleagues in the WTC were safe. I remember sending messages of sympathy and support to American friends and clients.

The sense of unity we had that day has been entirely lost. Partly because of the American alliance's mishandled responses, but mostly because no envied superpower can expect sympathy for long. Anti-Americanism is back to default levels among all the usual suspects.

Today, however, the families of 2,974 innocent people are remembering their loss. As we remember with them, we should reflect on the costs of fanaticism. After eight years, perhaps our governments should also begin to reflect on how quickly we can return to peacetime levels of security. The "War on Terror" has outlasted the Second World War, though such of our enemies as have not been killed or captured skulk harmlessly in caves.

There have been huge costs to civil liberties. There has been economic damage as "security theatre" has become the bane of international travellers. Intelligence, espionage, diplomacy and clandestine military operations are the way to defeat Al Qaeda. All else is pointless show at best and political opportunism at worst.

Every day we live in continued fear, is a victory for those 19 maniacs and the evil men who sent them to their deaths. Enough.


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Trooper Thompson

Because so many of you are not prepared to study what actually happened, we're stuck in a hundred year 'war on terror' with all our rights being taken away.

Why bother banging on about liberty, if you won't deal with the very thing that enabled the state to take away our liberty?

You should study the murder of Aldo Moro in Italy, an event that had a similar, albeit lesser, effect on the national psyche. Which is exactly what it was for. False flag terror.

Colin Campbell

I will never forget the utter disbelief of my American colleagues as they wandered around in a daze in our office in Sacramento. Life in America certainly changed that day.


No matter whether we are American or not, we all remember today's anniversary for we realized that nowhere is truly safe.

For all that airport security we endure, a plane was hijacked again the other day. New York still has different regulations too. Going through xray is a nightmare as you wander shoeless trying to find all your belongings scattered in half a dozen bins and hoping no one will nick anything, especially the MBP. :)


Excellent. Nice to read what others are posting about it.


Pesky punctuation. It should be "...our freedom. To change how we live."


You are right.

We should remember.

We should not let them take our liberty, our freedom to change how we live.

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