THE LAST DITCH An Englishman returned after twenty years abroad blogs about liberty in Britain
A clean slate
Quite so

Ricky Tomlinson fights to clear his name

TV star Ricky Tomlinson fights to clear his name - The Scotsman.

Oh, the vanity of "celebrity." If he didn't keep bringing it up, I fear no-one would remember the viciousness of the picketing in that long-ago strike. As I understand it, Mr Tomlinson denies the violence occurred, rather than that saying it was perpetrated by someone else. That it occurred, I can testify from personal experience. As to whether the particular ignorant scouse thug leading the pickets on the day the scales fell from my young Marxist eyes was Mr Tomlinson, I sadly could not say. A jury of his peers convicted him, however. I suggest he shuts up and enjoys the success his modest talent as an actor has given him.


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