THE LAST DITCH An Englishman returned after twenty years abroad blogs about liberty in Britain
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Half of schoolchildren bullied (if bullying defined as rudeness)

Ofsted: Half of schoolchildren bullied - Telegraph.

Can we reclaim our language from these idiots please? Did they ever go to school themselves? If "verbal abuse" is bullying, then the amazing thing is that half of the pupils were not bullied. Indeed, I am now worried about them. Had they no friends close enough to take the mickey? Were they so bland that neither thugs nor wits noticed them? How are they going to survive if they are not hardened in their youth?

When I was in school, we had a word for the sort of chaps who now "work" for Ofsted.


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Where did she think that "government money" came from? And if it was not in the economy before, where was it, why and can we have a tour of those caves please?

The very language gives it away, doesn't it?

Andrew Duffin


Mr. Paine, I see we are of similar vintages...

I think we used that word also to describe those who were "less than adept" at sporting activities.


You are precisely correct about bullying. A highly respected head teacher of a small rural primary school tells me that all this talk about bullying has led to a lot of complete nonsense being talked.

The comments of the shadow families minister are highly depressing, and yet another reason why no right-minded person would vote for the current Conservative Party.


The first three letters are right.


Is it a competition to guess the word?

Ours would have been "Spakas".

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