Be seeing you
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I am not a number, yet. I am still, just about, a free man. You saw where we were going years ago and you expressed it in a startlingly memorable way. I fear that such a theme may never be explored on British TV again. Certainly not on the BBC, whose Andrew Marr spoofs The Prisoner on Sunday mornings, before going on to suck up shamelessly to the Number Twos who rule us. RIP Mr McGoohan.
They are both as bad as each other in terms of bias, but Peston is marginally smugger. So Peston. There is something slightly appealing about how visibly ill-at-ease Marr is before a camera. I guess I have the standard English weakness for the have-a-go amateur. His bumbling gives me the (probably false) impression that he has humility enough for his humanity to be rescued, if one could just have a serious word with him over a pint. Peston, however, is entirely lost. I imagine his nearest and dearest have to point a camera at him to get his attention these days.
Posted by: Tom | Friday, January 16, 2009 at 09:21 AM
If you had a choice who would you get rid of first Marr or Peston?
Posted by: tbrrob | Thursday, January 15, 2009 at 09:41 PM