Jean Charles de Menezes: our national disgrace continues
Friday, December 12, 2008
Jean Charles de Menezes inquest: Jury reaches open verdict - Telegraph.
It was too much to hope for a lay jury to ignore the coroner's inexplicably strong direction that they had only two choices of verdict. This, even after the defence team walked out in protest and the bereaved family made their feelings clear. I imagine the six-day discussion resolved into the usual conflict between the authority-trusting and the rest. At least the "open" verdict confirms the jury was not satisfied that this was a "lawful killing" (the only other option the coroner offered).
I am sorry for his family, who must now be losing hope of truth or justice. I can only apologise. I am ashamed of my country and wish I could offer you better consolation in your grief. I hope that you will discuss with your learned and distinguished counsel the possibility of a private prosecution of the killers, including those (and not just those in the immediate chain of command) who gave the "Kratos" orders.
If funds for legal fees are an issue, I am sure there are many of us willing to donate. I don't think the men who pulled the trigger would be found guilty, but after all the slurs and spin, it might take very strong directions from a trial judge for their political masters to be acquitted.
UPDATE: As the story unfolds, the jury's answers to the series of questions (rather oddly) put to them by the coroner reveal that they believe the police officers at the scene perjured themselves. Given the unanimity of their account (and the unanimity of the other witnesses that their account was untrue) it seems reasonable to infer that the officers conspired to give false evidence. Were this about you or me, there is no question what the Crown Prosecution Service would now do. As it is about the CPS's fellow state agents we can no longer, in this Brave New Labour World, expect equal treatment before the law.
It's a disgrace alright.
But why were the not nailed for perjury at the least?
Posted by: ubermouth | Wednesday, January 07, 2009 at 12:17 AM
The only people to emerge with credit out of this shameful Inquest were the Jury (apart from the Menezes family of course - who refused to participate). They stood up to huge pressure in returning an open verdict. Please read my blog A State of Terror. The real question is, how much further do we need to go towards a police state before we take action to deconstruct the existing one and move towards a real democracy rather than the sham one we have now.
Posted by: Corinna | Thursday, December 18, 2008 at 12:00 PM
" seems reasonable to infer that the officers conspired to give false evidence. Were this about you or me, there is no question what the Crown Prosecution Service would now do."
Indeed. And yet what do we hear from the Met this morning? That they plan to return them to frontline duty.
Posted by: JuliaM | Saturday, December 13, 2008 at 12:48 PM
Well written Tom Paine; I am fully with you, that both what happened, and what happened afterwards, are indeed a national a disgrace.
As an alternative to more court cases (have we not had enough), I suggest a statue of Jean Charles de Menezes (with suitable inscription and explanation) should be erected on the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square, to remain there for at least 50 years. For that purpose, I pledge £200.
Best regards
Posted by: Nigel Sedgwick | Friday, December 12, 2008 at 05:18 PM
I am utterly ashamed as well, an innocent man is executed, the officers concerned perjure themselves, Cressida Dick is promoted.
Posted by: Guthrum | Friday, December 12, 2008 at 05:00 PM