THE LAST DITCH An Englishman returned after twenty years abroad blogs about liberty in Britain
The Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation profiles the Taxpayers' Alliance
The American recipe for an English accent*

Blogging milestone

Link: The Last Ditch.

My last post was my 600th since the Last Ditch moved over to Typepad in September of 2006. I racked up 525 posts on the original version of the blog, starting with the first one on March 15, 2005. It has been a long haul and at times I have lost heart, but almost three years on, it seems the pace of posting is still picking up.

My wife used to find it hard to cope with my anger at Britain's feckless politicians. Now I get it off my chest here, and smile as she rages. She has cause to thank my little band of readers. I would encourage anyone to start their own blog, if only for its therapeutic value. Maybe very few people will read what you write. Maybe you will become Britain's Matt Drudge. Either way, it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness.

It took me a long time to understand that blogging is above all a social medium. The best thing it has done for me is to introduce me to other blogs that brighten my day and, sometimes, give me hope for the future. The Last Ditch started as a virtual soap box, but has become a way to "pay my dues" for the benefits I get from the rest of the blogosphere.

As my third bloggiversary approaches, I am as glad as ever that I began.


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Colin Campbell

We are too Tom.

I was listening to the news programme at lunchtime on ABC radio today as I was driving around doing errands. A researcher had determined that many people just like you were happier after only a few months of blogging. Many people apparently start blogs to get things off their chests be it personal, political or whatever. Interesting. I know that I started for psychological reasons, but it is the sense of community that I enjoy now. Not so much nazal gazing.

Congratulations on your personal milestones. I think we all go through periods when we think that it is not worthwhile, but for most, we carry on.


One of the best things about blogging is that it has brought some very interesting creatures out of the woodwork, rather than the usual creepy-crawlies.

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