THE LAST DITCH An Englishman returned after twenty years abroad blogs about liberty in Britain
Three cheers for the fighting Irish
The psychology of a libertarian

'Terror law plans to be unveiled'

Link: 'Terror law plans to be unveiled'.

For once the craven, useless BBC tells the truth, albeit inadvertently. These are indeed "terror laws." We should all be more afraid of them than we are of the hapless, if fanatical, incompetents of Al Qaeda who far more frequently blow themselves up and set themselves on fire than do us any serious harm. I travel by air almost every week and would willingly accept whatever slight risks might be involved reverting to pre-9/11 airport security. I know no frequent traveller who would not.

There are some elements of a free society which are far more important than democracy. Indeed democracy is no guarantee of a free society at all. You can democratically elect tyrants (e.g. Nazi Germany, present-day Iran, future Iraq and Pakistan). You can equally enjoy freedom without democracy, if your rulers are constrained by the rule of law. I would rather deal with past constitutional monarchies in England, than the unlimited quasi-republic of today. The intrusions into my life of state power would have been far less frequent and I really don't have any more influence over the choice of my rulers now than I would have had then. Rather, "legitimised" by their democratic mandate, my "democratic rulers" have ventured farther into my private life than any monarch would have safely dared.

The principal value of democracy is that it should - if functioning correctly - be a constraint on government power. Once democracy leads government to venture where it has no place, it ceases to be legitimate. Once it leads to 4.1 million idlers enslaving their fellow men by voting en bloc to have the omnipotent state steal one half of others' working lives to provide them with a sinecure income, it is no longer democracy, but a criminal conspiracy.

For me, habeas corpus is more important than the right to vote. The protection of my private property against theft or government confiscation is more important than the right to vote. My right to bear arms to protect my family from British criminals carrying an estimated 4 million firearms is more important than the right to vote.

So even if a majority of my fellow citizens believes, and expresses that belief through its democratic representatives, that the state should be able to hold me without trial and without charge for 42 days, I deny the state's right to do so. I am innocent until proven guilty.  The police should assemble their evidence before they arrest me, not while I am in custody. Even if it were not stupidly impractical (if I am guilty, all evidence will be destroyed as soon as my associates realise I have been arrested) it would not justify depriving me of my freedom without due process of law.

A free society does not involve mutual subjugation. History shows the majority to have been wrong more often than not on most points of importance, but that's not my point. Even if the majority was always right, it does not give it the right to impose its view. We are all in a minority on some point or another, and we are all unfree unless we can insist (to any point short of concrete harm to others) upon that point. A democracy is a matter of selecting a government to do the proper, limited tasks of government, not of choosing a tyrant.

The present government long since overstepped all limits of political decency. It seems to think itself our mother, our father and the sole arbiter of our welfare. Nor is HM Opposition doing its job properly.  I am disgusted by the tone of the debate on this subject. No party speaks from principle. All parties are making electoral judgments as to voters' perceived views on a non-existent trade-off between safety and freedom. They have no right to make those judgments.

That the majority of my countrymen may be idiots who think "it will not happen to me;" that they may be racists who think these powers will only be used (as the record suggests, by the way, may be true) against darker-skinned citizens of a particular faith; that they may be gutless ****s who would give up their freedoms rather than stand up for them like men, should not be my problem.

The continued demolition of our freedoms and our real human rights (as opposed to the ersatz versions promoted by our oppressors) will not reduce terrorism. It will legitimise and therefore increase it. I am a patriotic, law-abiding citizen, but I am not far from believing there to be  justification for the violent overthrow of the British State. Jefferson was right. There is no stable system of government which can secure liberty indefinitely. The present British Constitution is effete, decadent, worn-out and spent. As Jefferson said;

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. it is its natural food.

With a heavy heart, fellow-Britons, I suggest it will soon be time for some forestry.


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Of course I agree. But, believing, as I do, that most politicians are, at least at some basic level and at the start, tolerably well-intentioned, I find it very difficult to understand how they come to behave like authoritarian scum. Is it that a sort of communal hysteria enters into them, that, surrounded by others of similar tendencies, they simply do not see the objective effects of their actions? Is it that they are, by and large, rather stupid and unreflective (not entirely impossible; the reverence for Gordon Brown's intellect that many journalists showed seemed to be based on his having a Ph.D. in a subject that required no particular skills; I'd have been more convinced of his brainpower by a thesis on Bogumil theology, for instance, which would have required linguistic and ratiocinatory capacities well beyond the ordinary)? Is it that they are sufficiently often drunk to miss the larger picture? Ultimately, I suspect the problem is a fundamental lack of principle, extending to a belief that to have principles implies an adherence to old-fashioned and reactionary bourgeois morality. But I am just guessing.

Sean Lynch

An eloquent and masterful piece, beautifully composed, it simultaneously inspires and angers the reader, it seems we as a Nation, an entity are in our death throws, all the standards and decency Britain was once rightly renowned for have been sacrificed on the altar of Labour's blinkered Marxist ideology, the only hope we have is that Labour are not re-elected in 2 years time.
(they want to give illegals the vote, they will fix the election to stay in)
I sincerely believe that David Cameron can remove some of the tarnish which taints us and our tattered reputation, he is not perfect, no one is, but we have never need an alternative more than now.


Fuck "Tom"! I'm not normally a jealous person but I wish I could write like you. Superbly put, and I agree with every bloody word!

Dave Petterson

An excellent post. Something others have been saying for a while but not as well.

I've had my sporks sharpened for a while now.

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