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Guy Fawkes' blog of parliamentary plots, rumours and conspiracy: £24,000,000,000 of Public Money is a Matter of Public Interest


Link: Guy Fawkes' blog of parliamentary plots, rumours and conspiracy: £24,000,000,000 of Public Money is a Matter of Public Interest.

Guido is right. This is a matter of public interest. To keep the summary of the Northern Rock investment memorandum now in circulation on the internet "out there" despite the Government's efforts, here is a copy.

Download 495504.pdf

And here is a a quote:

By the end of 2010, the amount of replacement Bank of England funding drawn down by
WholeCo is expected to be £5.9bn.

That's your money, folks. Or it was.


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British Patriot

HOW MUCH !!!!! No wait........It's Ok, it's Ok, Money isn't worth anything, no really, it's all a fraud.

Banking Credit and our Money System based on Irredeemable Paper Money is a fraud, which when used with Periods of Inflation Deflation, Boom Bust cycles allows the Elite to periodically trawl in the Assets of those who have Over extended themselves with Credit.
Our Paper money system, and inflation, deflation system is purely designed to ensnare the Public wealth.
Over Many decades, Bankers have been able to become Fabulously wealthy using this scam, and now operate our Sham Parliament from behind the scenes.
This is how our Political System is now so Corrupt, Cash for Peerages etc.

Wait, it gets funnier,...think about it Not only is credit just thin air, they charge us interest for borrowing it...Now that's funny...


The Banking elite have now set this up All over the World, IMF, World Bank....Its a Brilliant scam, which hoovers up the Worlds assets into their personal Vaults.

Concerned Taxpayer

It should be remembered that the injunction that NR got was against the FT to restrict their ability to publish. No-one else was mentioned, nor was the blogesphere in general.

and It does not cover publishers outside of the UK, for that NR would have to obtain a new order.

Ian Grey

Good on you Tom. Even though my blog is hosted in USA I'm not certain I could get away with putting it up.

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