Down in the dumps
Monday, July 30, 2007
James Higham observed recently that I am "down in the dumps," and he's right. I am tired and in dire need of a break. I shall be spending a couple of weeks in the South of France from this weekend and I am counting on the Cote d'Azur to work its magic. But that's not why.
I was upset by the CPS decision not to prosecute in the "cash for peerages" affair. It has shattered my faith in another British institution. Only the ancient institution of the jury is left to believe in and this Government is the sworn enemy of that.
The CPS is only the latest institution to let us down. Parliament has failed in its essential duty - in an unconstrained democracy with no constitutional protections - to defend the people's rights. Parliamentarians have been bought off by the Executive with pay, pensions and perks provided by the people's pennies.
The police service has been steadily politicised and seems keen only on hitting "soft" targets; the respectable people they are there to protect. The courts seem sometimes determined to bring themselves into disrepute in their quest to find ever more bizarre interpretations of "human rights." The education system is a farce; State teachers being little better than leftist cadres indoctrinating our children.
I am satisfied that you or I would have been prosecuted on the evidence reported against Levy. He's an arrogant man, given to threatening litigation, so let me make clear I am not saying he is guilty. That should have been for a jury to decide. He had made it clear that he would not go down alone. By doing so he brought all possible pressure to bear on his political friends. It is hard not to infer from the public facts that they in turn brought pressure to bear on the CPS.
If guilty at all, Levy was no more or less so than Tony Blair. It is impossible to believe that he did not know what his tennis partner was doing. He retained his services to do it. Nor is it possible to believe that Gordon Brown had no idea where the Labour Party's money was coming from. I accuse no individual, but I believe crimes were committed. I believe they have been covered up. I now believe that men of power in Britain, as was not even the case in the Middle Ages, are above the law.
So, I have been finding it hard to blog. Read the above paragraphs again. Is there anything to inspire? No. Is there a positive message of hope? No. Is there a call to arms? No. I thought my few readers deserved an explanation for my silence, but when I read it over, all I can see is that silence is better than the public, burning, resentful acceptance of defeat.
The Labour Party is a greater enemy of the British people, and of the English people in particular, than we have known for some time. It is a self-serving, corrupt clique which exists only to ensure that mediocrities like John Prescott and Hazel Blears can taste the dark delights of power. Yet my countrymen and women are, it seems, ready to keep voting for them.
One other British institution has failed. In the third term of an administration which has massively increased taxation, switched employment from workers to drones and savaged the nation's liberties, the Conservative Party is as effective as a chocolate teapot. If there is no Opposition, there is no democracy.
So yes, James. I am down in the dumps. I have turned, uncharacteristically, to escapist reading, My friend Bag [correction: it was Ian] has introduced me to the classic sci-fi of Robert A. Heinlein and damn fine stuff it is. My family is in England at the moment and I am whiling away my lonely nights and weekends in Second Life, talking to friends from around the world about anything but politics. Perhaps I should be doing something more valuable. Perhaps. But in present circumstances, blogging isn't it.
So posting will continue to be light for the foreseeable future. Maybe my holiday will give me back my strength. I hope so. I shall use it to decide whether, after two and a half years of sustained writing, the Last Ditch has reached the end.