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Blair launches attack on UK media 'beast'

Link: Blair launches attack on UK media 'beast' | Uk News | News | Telegraph.

How amusing. Blair is so detached from reality that he thinks the soft ride he gets from the mainstream media is too aggressive, and is disappointed with the blogosphere.

Mr Blair said that the evolution of non-traditional media outlets was making matters worse, rather than better, as he had originally thought. "It used to be thought - and I include myself in this - that help was on the horizon. "New forms of communication would provide new outlets to by-pass the increasingly shrill tenor of the traditional media. "In fact, the new forms can be even more pernicious, less balanced, more intent on the latest conspiracy theory multiplied by five."

He should be glad it's just virtual. If some of us could only get our hands on him.... B^)


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How does one spell the word "diddums", Tony and would the word have any meaning in your vocabulary?

Crushed By Ingsoc

Oh dear. Don't think he'd like Blogpower, would He?


Thanks, Ian. I had missed that.

Ian Grey

Tom, just in case you haven't noticed, someone from Pageflakes has left a message for you on the Pageflakes Blogpower Message board.


He has only himself to blame. He has wrecked the country and he think we will be happy about it? What an idiot.


That’s reminded me to get a move on with an opinion piece on the trend of so called “media-disintermediation”, a one of the key buzz phrases within the Digital Media industry over the last few years. Of course a big part of this trend is the way in which those who control the Media overall have seen their grip loosened, though perhaps not as far as Blair’s paranoid control freakery influenced remarks might suggest.

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