An atheist, grateful for God
Monday, May 07, 2007
Years ago, I visited the monastery at Czestochowa in Poland - the home of the famous Black Madonna. Be-camera'd and in full tourist fig, I sauntered unthinkingly through a door and found myself among the faithful at prayer. I have never forgotten the moment. Coming from secular Britain, religious fervour was new to me - and scary. To be fair, if I could believe in something so extraordinary as a loving, omnipotent Deity, I would be fervent too. When faith is, rarely, encountered in Britain, it is polite and tepid. That makes no sense. How can one be lukewarm about God? If He exists, nothing else matters.
During Communist times in Poland the Catholic Church offered the only alternative world view. It eventually played a vital role in the fall of Communism. Poles credit Pope John Paul II for that (plus President Reagan and Baroness Thatcher) more than their under-appreciated hero, Lech Walesa.
The Catholic Church in Poland never submitted to the Communist State in quite the same way as the Russian Orthodox Church. In Russia the Church had always been subordinate to the secular power of the Tsar. Not that the Tsars weren't devout. Ivan the Terrible spent so much time in daily prayer that there was scarcely the time for all his murder and mayhem. However, there was no doubt who was boss. In the cathedrals, the Tsar's throne was closer to the most sacred part than that of the Patriarch.
The church in Russia was ruthlessly suppressed by Lenin and Stalin. Churches were demolished; priests exiled to Siberia or sent to their God. Sometimes, even under Communism, old people would return to the open practice of religion. The Party's power over them as individuals waned as death approached. In a State where all resources and opportunities were allocated by the Party, no younger person could afford such risk. Yet, every morning as my car waits at traffic lights by a church, I see people crossing themselves as they pass by. Their actions seem natural, casual, even unthinking. Were they furtively doing that during Communism?
Yesterday, at one of the holiest sites of the Russian Orthodox Church I relived my Czestochowa experience. The monastery was business-like enough. Tours were permitted only under paid guidance. The ticket office sold camera permits (a real bargain at £2, with a free CD of church music thrown in). The official guide was devout. She bowed, made the sign of the Cross, kissed reliquaries with a peculiar motion I noticed among the worshippers (wiping the kiss away with a downward stroke of the forehead). However she gave us her talk as worshippers were at their devotions around us. We attracted some irritated glances.
I was embarrassed and my wife even more so. Expecting more of a museum than a functioning monastery, she had brought no headscarf. She was the only uncovered woman. Around us, Russians of all ages were at prayer. We stood awkwardly in the communion line for a while, before leaving abruptly. It just felt wrong to be an unbelieving tourist in the midst of such ardent faith.
Yesterday I realised that - while I cannot myself - I am glad that others can believe in God. I am glad for them because it is a comfort in life's troubles. I am also glad for the rest of us. The believers' faith is a fortress no State power can ever conquer. If you want a religion to die, ignore it. The most powerful repression, however, will only make it stronger.
There are signs in Britain that our leftist Establishment is girding itself up for an attack on religion. The row over gay adoption gave rise to hostile, even contemptuous, statements from our secular leaders. Attacks from the intellectual Establishment are more and more aggressive. With all respect to our believers, I hope these intemperate attacks continue. They can only strengthen religious belief. A free society needs many groups and individuals prepared to stand up for their beliefs. It does not need a homogenous mass of people who submit to force or fashion.
I do not share their belief, but when I encounter people who stand firm in the face of repression, how can I fail to be impressed? As Britain continues on her path to a police state, we need a wide range of people who are variously motivated to resist. Every Church, synagogue, temple or mosque can be a source of intolerance and reaction. It can also help balance secular power. There is, objectively, no more totalitarian vision than that of the monotheistic religions. Fortunately, their all-powerful leader is not of this world. He need not trouble the rest of us much as he goes about inspiring His people to stand firm against earthly powers.
Great to hear simple reason and experience talking. On that ground people of faith in the divine or in some other principle of realism can well get along! From your lips to a lot of muddle-headed, soft-Nietzschean ears...
Posted by: D. Ox | Tuesday, May 22, 2007 at 04:52 AM
And there we must leave it for now.
Posted by: jameshigham | Wednesday, May 09, 2007 at 07:11 PM
James, no you are not bold to claim friendship. We have never met, but I feel I know you quite well from your very open writings at your blog.
It should be bleedin' obvious that what you see as bleedin' obvious is very far from bleedin' obvious to me. I have said before that I would like to be able to believe. I am not hardening my heart. I know my death will be more difficult because I can't believe. Much more importantly, the deaths of people I love will be more difficult. I can understand entirely why religious belief arose. It would be amazing if it hadn't. I am happy you and others can believe and I am not evangelising here. To me, however, it seems far too convenient to be true.
Posted by: Tom | Wednesday, May 09, 2007 at 02:23 PM
The most interesting thing in this, Tom, is your obstinate refusal, repeated over and over in your post, to accept the 'bleedin' obvious'.
This was actually mentioned by JC in the reference to hardening their hearts.
It's not a great concern to me personally whether you do or don't. It doesn't alter our friendship, if I can be so bold as to claim that.
It just seems a pity to me.
Interestingly, the ones who spread the mayhem I've been referring to very much believe and try to turn it on its side.
I love the reference on the wall of the Dome in Jerusalem that Jesus is not the Son of God. No, no, he really isn't. Truly.
Posted by: jameshigham | Wednesday, May 09, 2007 at 12:50 PM
Peter Whale, it applies to everyone. I share your disappointment about the failure of my profession to resist. I have expressed it here from time to time.
I have resigned from the Law Society because it has surrendered the profession's independence to state agencies. I blogged about that too.
In fairness, the Law Society lobbied hard against the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 (which was what started this blog). It often lobbies against bills and is always ignored. Most Members of Parliament hardly read the bills. I certainly doubt if they read the Law Society's briefing notes. They vote as the whips tell them. Since Britain's constitution is the three words "Parliament is sovereign," our only protection is that Members of Parliament do their job.
They have betrayed us and they continue to do so every day.
Posted by: Tom | Wednesday, May 09, 2007 at 07:01 AM
love your AA Gill quote btw
Posted by: pommygranate | Wednesday, May 09, 2007 at 01:12 AM
Interesting post, Tom. I do believe in God and Jesus, (unlike most political bloggers) but my religion is a very personal one. I love visting old churches and feel inspired by them but i dont feel the need to pray at one each week. The church has too much bad history to be credible.
Posted by: pommygranate | Wednesday, May 09, 2007 at 01:11 AM
Hi in the comments a couple of posts back, the one about Grayling. I said that the lawyers and academics should have done more in their efforts against the state of affairs that now exist in the U.K. I am glad to see that in your last paragraph that you agree that a wide range of people should resist the growing police state in the U.K. Does this include the lawyers and academics?
Posted by: peter whale | Tuesday, May 08, 2007 at 09:55 PM
Thanks for the good wishes, Caedmon. However, you are definitely wrong in believing me on the way to the Way.
My views on religion generally are set out here. My point is really that competing belief systems are a good thing in a free society and that religions (while they cause problems of their own) are very resistant belief systems which can be a valuable protection against totalitarianism.
Unlike some of our politicians and churchmen, I don't feel the need to live among people who all agree with me. Diversity of ideas is valuable, not least because tolerating crackpot minority ideas (e.g. those of Copernicus and Galileo) allows some of them to mature into important truths. I think the religions that have undergone, in one form or another, their "Reformation" have appreciated that point. Roll on the "Reformation" of the ones that haven't.
Posted by: Tom | Tuesday, May 08, 2007 at 02:41 PM
You are on the "way", Mr. Paine. May God richly bless you. But if I am wrong, may God richly bless you nonetheless.
Posted by: Caedmon | Tuesday, May 08, 2007 at 02:40 AM